The Romney campaign announcement of Republican running mate Paul Ryan marks the official beginning of the newest phase in the democratic process of these here United States of America.
(Note: here I use the term "newest" lightly considering the perpetual state of election that is the U.S's m.o. Newness, under such circumstances, becomes an overused quality that is just as easily acquired as discarded.)
For the 57th time in history, citizens of the world will once again be privy to the media spectacle that is American democracy in action.The pageantry - complete with kissable babies, sententious speeches (graça à the greatest speech writing hands of the day), and soul baring sniper ads (also thanks to said media powerhouse) - gets to now be amped up a notch in this the (almost) last leg of the greatest political show on earth.
May the best man win they say (sorry Hillary), never mind the integrity of the process that is America's claim to fame and in the name of which multitudes around the world continue to struggle towards. Nor the blatant and willful intellectual detachment between the ideals of conservatism/liberalism and their farcical representations as embodied by the republican & democratic parties. Or the overt trickery & skulduggery that have become an integral part of the campaign process, and that serve solely to subvert the selective process rather than to elucidate the views and objectives of the warring parties.
When the dust settles, and another sterling instance of Western superiority done passed, the world's most vocal democracy shall have spoken. Whether what was said is what was meant is perhaps another matter entirely.
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